Energa Group in
Year 2018 - the most important data and events
Key operational data of the Energa Group
Energa vs. the industry
Awards and recognitions for the Energa SA Group
Development prospects and strategy implementation in 2018
Macroeconomic situation
Electricity market in Poland
Regulatory environment
Strategy ENERGA Group for 2016-2025
Activity and CSR
The activities of the Energa Group, Mission and Vision
The main assets of the Group
Material factors relating to development of the Energa SA Group
Structure and model of Group management
Distribution Business Line
Generation Business Line
The Sales Business Line
Research and development
Financial results by operating segments
Projected financial results
Headcount in the Energa SA Group
Important information affecting the HR and payroll situation
Remuneration systems
Corporate social responsibility of the Energa SA Group
Stock exchange and
Investor relations in Energa SA
Individual investors
Energa SA'a shareholders
Recommendations for the Company’s stock
Bond issues
Management Board
Supervisory Board
Management Board's Representation
Information about the entity authorized to audit the financial statements
Representation on the application of corporate governance principles
Risk management
Risk management in the Energa SA Group
Risk factors
Letter of the President regarding the 2018 Annual Report
Consolidated statement of comprehensive income
Consolidated statement of profit or loss
Consolidated statement of cash flows
Consolidated statement of financial position
Consolidated statement of changes in equity
Material factors relating to development of the Energa SA Group
Activity and CSR
Material factors relating to development of the Energa SA Group
Energa Group
Distribution Business Line
Sales Business Line
Generation Business Line
The consequences of the decision to recognize long-term contracts for the purchase of "green" certificates as invalid
Transmission easement fees
Incurring network expenses in connection with the requirements of quality regulation in the Distribution Business Line
Operational implementation of the Act of 28 December 2018 amending the Act on excise duty and some other acts
Growing competition on the market of Electricity sellers
Energy price developments on the futures, SPOT and balancing markets
Weather and hydrometeorological conditions
Level of work in extortion at the Ostrołęka B Power Plant
Actual realized power reserve and volume
Effects of ending court disputes and conclusion of new contracts for the purchase of property rights
Prices of CO2 emission allowances
The main assets of the Group
Structure and model of Group management