The Energa Group is one of the four largest domestic energy companies and one of the three largest electricity suppliers in Poland. The core business includes production, distribution, trade in electricity and heat as well as gas trading.
We develop by providing the best solutions to our clients.
We implement the objectives of shareholders, customers, employees and the environment in a sustainable manner, based on reliable and modern infrastructure as well as tailor-made offer and service, respecting the environment and in accordance with the principles of social responsibility.
This is the business line of key importance to the Group’s operating prof-itability, consisting in the distribution of electricity (which is a regulated activity in Poland) and based on tariffs approved by the President of the Energy Regulatory Office (URE). The Energa Group has a nat-ural monopoly position in the northern and central part of Poland which hosts the Group’s distribution assets through which the Group supplies electricity to more than 3.1 million customers, approx. 2.9 million of whom are customers with universal agreements and 193,000 are TPA (Third Party Access) customers. A breakdown of Energa Operator SA’s customers by tariff group is presented in the Key operating data section. As at 31 December 2018, the total length of the power lines was over 188 thou-sand km and covered almost 75 thousand km², i.e. about 24% of the country’s landmass. Energa Operator SA is the leader in this Line.
The operation of this business line is based on four Divisions: the Ostrołęka Power Plant, Hydro, Wind and Other (including cogeneration – CHP). At the end of 2018, the total installed generation capacity of the Group’s power plants was approximately 1.3 GW. The Lead Entity in the Business Line is Energa Wytwarzanie SA. The Energa Group owes its leading position in terms of the percentage of renewable electricity in the total energy mix primarily to the generation of energy in hydro- and wind power plants. Green energy is produced by 46 hydro power plants, 5 wind farms and biomass-fired installations (in Energa Kogeneracja) as well as two photovoltaic installations. As at the end of 2018, the Group had 0.5 GW of renewable capacity, with a gross production of electricity totalling 267 GWh in Q4 2018 and 1.2 GWh throughout 2018. Coal is the main fuel used by the Energa Group to produce electricity and heat. The Group’s generating units used 1,297 thousand tonnes of coal and 13 thousand tonnes of biomass in 2018 (vs. 1,280 thou-sand tonnes and 46 thousand tonnes, respectively, the year before). Coal supplies were delivered to the Group by three main suppliers: Polska Grupa Górnicza, Lubelski Węgiel “Bogdanka”, and Jastrzębska Spółka Węglowa.
Its lead entity is Energa Obrót SA. It sells electricity, gas and additional services both as separate products and in bundles to all customer segments – from industry to small, medium and large enterprises and to households. As at the end of 2018, the Energa Group had approximately 3.1 million customers, including 2.8 million classified as G tariff customers, with the remainder being customers from: C, B and A tariff groups, in a decreasing order.