Investor relations in Energa SA

The investor relations team executes tasks aimed at boosting the effectiveness of communication in the capital market. In 2018 these were, the following activities, among others:

  • Publication of 56 current reports and 4 interim reports,
  • More than 120 face-to-face meetings with institutional investors (investor conferences or non-deal roadshows),
  • A thematic workshop focusing on the Group’s business for brokerage house analysts,
  • Online publication of the annual report for 2017
  • 4 conferences presenting its performance, which were also transmitted online,Publikacja 41 raportów bieżących i 4 raportów okresowych,
  • Cooperation with the Association of Private Investors to improve communication with private investors, including presence at the Wall Street Convention in Karpacz,
  • The Private Investors’ Day held on 11 October 2018,
  • 2 investor chats with a member of the Management Board (addressed mainly to private inves-tors),

The Investor Relations Team uses a bilingual website to carry out its activities, which is updated on an ongoing basis with essential information about the Group, including quarterly results presentations, fact sheets, and the like. Market participants are free to access the rules followed by the Company in its investor relations – the website contains the Information Policy.

Changes in Energa stock prices compared to changes in WIG, WIG20 and WIG-ENERGIA indices

As at 31 December 2018, the Company was included in the following stock exchange indices: WIG, WIG20, WIG30, WIG-Energia, WIG-Poland, RESPECT Index, FTSE4Good Emerging Index, MSCI Global Sustainability Indexes