In 2018, the Company and its corporate bodies followed corporate governance principles, which are described in the set of documents approved by Resolution No. 26/1413/2015 of the Supervisory Board of Giełda Papierów Wartościowych in Warszawie SA of 13 October 2015 as the “Best Practice of GPW Listed Companies 2016” (Best practice, DPSN), published on the website of the Warsaw Stock Exchange and in the Investor Relations section of the Company’s website.
Energa SA does not apply principle III.Z.3 – the Company does not comply with the requirement of Standard 1110-1, but only with respect to the organisational independence of appointing and dismissing the Internal Audit Manager (IAM) and the approval and changes of his or her remuneration. The standard referred to above has been defined in the International Standards for the Professional Practice of Inter-nal Auditing by the Institute of Internal Auditors. Moreover, IAM does not functionally report to the Su-pervisory Board. In the absence of a decision on the publication of forecasts and considering the provisions of the Reg-ulation of the Minister of Finance on Current and Interim Information of 29 March 2018, the Specific Principle I.Z.1.10 did not apply, either. In view of the fact that the Company has implemented the Energa Group Anti-Fraud and Conflicts of Interest Policy, Principle V.Z.6, formerly reported as not applicable, has been applicable to Energa SA since 2018. The document addresses the concerns of identification, prevention and resolution of con-flicts of interest.
In view of the fact that the Company has implemented the Energa Group Anti-Fraud and Conflicts of Interest Policy, Principle V.Z.6, formerly reported as not applicable, has been applicable to Energa SA since 2018. The document addresses the concerns of identification, prevention and resolution of con-flicts of interest.